TrueWatt: Debunking the Energy-Saving Device Scam


In the world of energy consumption and electricity bills, there are numerous claims of devices that promise to save you money by reducing your electricity usage. One such device is TrueWatt. However, as a professional electrician with years of experience in the field, I can confidently say that TrueWatt is nothing more than a scam. In this article, we will delve into the details of why TrueWatt fails to deliver on its promises and explore alternative ways to save on electricity.

Understanding the Power Equation

Before we dive into the specifics of TrueWatt, it’s essential to understand the power equation. In a building, whether it’s a house or any other structure, every electrical component requires a specific amount of power to function optimally. This power consumption determines your electricity bill, not the capacity or current. Manipulating any part of the equation will only result in a change in power needed or consumed, not actual savings.

The TrueWatt Website: False Promises

TrueWatt claims to be an energy-saving device that can significantly reduce your electricity consumption. However, upon closer inspection of their website, it becomes clear that their promises are baseless. The website lacks substantial evidence or scientific explanations to support their claims. As a consumer, it’s crucial to be wary of such claims without concrete evidence to back them up.

The Flaws of Voltage Manipulation

One of the ways TrueWatt claims to save energy is by manipulating the voltage supplied to electrical devices. While it’s true that adjusting the voltage can impact the functionality of certain components, it is not a sustainable or reliable method to save on electricity. Over time, fluctuating voltage levels can lead to premature burnout or malfunctioning of electrical devices, resulting in additional costs for replacements or repairs.

The Pitfalls of Current Adjustment

Another tactic employed by TrueWatt is adjusting the current flow to devices. However, tampering with the current can have detrimental effects on the proper functioning of electrical components. Increasing or decreasing the current beyond the recommended levels can lead to devices not working at all or deteriorating faster than intended. This can result in inconvenience and additional expenses in the long run.

The Only True Way to Save on Electricity

Contrary to the claims made by TrueWatt, there is only one foolproof way to save on electricity: reducing consumption. If you genuinely want to lower your electricity bills, the most effective solution is to minimize your usage. Simple practices like turning off lights when not in use, unplugging unused appliances, and optimizing heating and cooling systems can make a significant difference in your energy consumption.

Harnessing Solar Power

For those looking to go a step further and reduce their reliance on traditional electricity sources, harnessing solar power is a viable option. Solar panel systems can be custom-designed to cater to the energy needs of individual circuits or specific areas of a building. This allows for efficient energy utilization without the need for expensive, whole-house solar systems. By investing in a few solar panels, you can generate your own electricity and reduce your reliance on the grid.

Debunking TrueWatt: The Bottom Line

In conclusion, TrueWatt is just another energy-saving device scam that fails to deliver on its promises. As a professional electrician, I can attest to the fact that manipulating voltage or current is not a sustainable or effective method to save on electricity. Instead, focus on reducing your energy consumption through simple practices and consider alternative energy sources like solar power if you want to achieve genuine energy savings.

Remember, when it comes to energy consumption, there are no shortcuts or magic devices. It’s all about making conscious choices and adopting energy-efficient habits. Don’t fall for scams like TrueWatt; instead, take control of your energy usage and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

Additional Information

  • Always consult a licensed electrician before making any adjustments to your electrical system.
  • Conduct regular energy audits to identify areas of improvement and optimize energy efficiency.
  • Explore government incentives and rebates for solar panel installations to further reduce costs.
  • Educate yourself on energy-saving practices and share them with friends and family to promote a collective effort towards energy conservation.


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